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July 08, 2006



Not a great day here weather wise either, but our sky isn't quite as dark.Isn't the antipation of casting on for a new project exciting?


That sky looks so dramatic.You're so disciplined. I can't wait if I see something good.


My sky is like Brenda's sky - we are only a little distance apart as you know. I love the clouds in your sky! You are a busy gal - BTW, the recipe for rhubarb juice on Iris' site is one I sent to her - small world. I have bookmarked your blog and will spend some time reading later. World Cup time very soon and we have an Italian boy staying with us for music camp, so guess which team we are cheering for. I am knitting the Wool Peddler's Shawl from Cheryl Oberle's book and the continuous garter stitch is great for TV watching and listening to jazz at all the various gigs.

Gina L

I’m envious of all your garage sale shopping. Did you find any treasures this week? I am getting ready to order yarn for Sizzle. Just curious, what yarn are you using?


I love that picture of your sky. So strong and moody.

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