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July 03, 2009



What a great idea!
I think I'll have to make a list like this with the kids :)
Thanks for sharing :)


great list! looks like a lot of fun things to do.... we'll be by to "help" :)


We do this too but ours is relatively short. So much fun!

Judy G.

Strap on your running shoes, girl. You're going to need them.

My summer list: Wait for the contractors to show up. Daydream about a finished renovation. Plan that first bubble bath in the new bathtub. Barbeque because the stove's on the deck. Unplugged.

My son's list: Sleep until noon. Check email and facebook. Go to work. Go to the bar. Come home and go to bed.

It's hard to say who's busier.


Love the list idea! I'm intrigued with the 'make crayons, and 'make chalk' - not sure where you'd start with those but I'm sure you're going to have a fun summer with all these 'to do's!! Enjoy!


What a fab idea and sounds like it will be a fun summer :o)


Wonderful - I really want to make this summer more intentional, too. You must post pictures of your new duck!

Carrie K

There's nothing like A Plan. Have fun! Happy 4th. :)


That's a great idea! I hope you can manage most of the things on there. It looks like a really fun summer.


What a great idea! We'll be making a "before the summer ends" list asap. Thanks for the idea!

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Great post. I just loved summer, it's my favorite time on the year. I do a lot of things in summer and I also spent nice time with my family and friends.

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