My word of the year for 2010 has been rolling around in the back of my mind for months, now, but summing up the direction I feel this year is going was trickier than I thought it would be. Here's the thing - in the past few years, I've changed quite a bit. I've learned new things, and found my values & priorities shifting. Not big, scary ordeal kind of changes; small, yet still significant changes.
The thing is, I feel like my life outside hasn't quite kept up with the changes inside, you know? I do things on autopilot, because that's the way I've always done them, not because that's the best thing to do at that particular moment. Change is uncomfortable, but as I went through my year of embracing the imperfect, the more I saw that my life just didn't match some of my new values and beliefs and ideals.
I thought this year would be called "Live Deliberately", like good ol' Thoreau said, but he also said, "Simplify, simplify, simplify! ... Simplicity of life and elevation of purpose". And the other day, I was reading, and came across this one, which clinched it for me:
"Simple living begins when people become conscious of their values
and live congruently with them, whatever they may be." - Mark Burch
So - simplify it is! I look forward to sharing with you the surprises I find, and changes I make, as I do some soul-searching... It will be an interesting year!
Simplify is something I have definitely been striving for this year as well. Can't wait to see how you work towards that goal.
Posted by: Jennifer | January 16, 2010 at 08:07 PM
Simplifying has been a theme with me for a while now too, but why is it so hard for me to accomplish, I wonder? I've done pretty well in some areas (clothes buying), but not so well in other areas (accumulating crafty stuff). I will keep trying though; yes I will!
Posted by: Georganna | January 17, 2010 at 08:42 AM
Great choice - may it be a great year for you
Posted by: Sarah | January 17, 2010 at 09:17 AM
This sounds wonderful!
Can't wait to read all about your changes.
Simplifying is something I am attempting as far...not so good!
I wish better success for you.
Posted by: Miss Scarlett | January 19, 2010 at 12:03 AM