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April 12, 2011



I like to snuggle in my bed with a book or walk along my mother's gardens.


I also moved a lot until my teens, in fact I moved from one country to another. And my kids are like yours, have lived in one house all their lives.
I like Liam's special place. He's so cute, to be able to sort himself out like that.
Hmm, to think about it, my place would be my office ... haha, it's a nice quite environment and I get to do my own thing in peace :)

Judy G.

I have a place of my own, but at this point it's more or a circumstance than a physical place. When I am all alone in my house I feel calmer and in control (until I look in the basement). Somehow when anyone else is around, or if the dogs are acting squirrelly, (sp?) I am a little on edge. I am hoping that when the basement is finished and my fibre stuff is all accessible in one room that I will be able to relax in the rest of the house with actual people, including DH, and retreat to the basement when things get to me.

Liam is too cute, peeking out from behind his curtain. Smart guy, to recognize his comfort spot so early in life. Is it big enough to accommodate him as he gets older? Like, full grown?

With regards to your having moved a lot as a child, I read once that we must give our children both roots and wings. I don't think the roots have to be a place, but can also be a sense of family and connectedness, no matter where you are. ("Home is the place that when you go there they have to take you in." or something like that.) I think that you and Stuart are providing a good solid base from which the birdlets will be able to spread their wings just fine.

Whoa, this is long. I didn't know I had such a strong opinion about the whole issue. Have a good weekend.


It's fun watching that boy grow up! My favorite place is anywhere in my house where I can watch the lake. It immediately gets rid of the stress of the day.

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